Apr 02 2011

Still Savin’ – Deals this week

Posted by Seth in Good Deals

Good deals this week…  that will be used in some upcoming recipes!    Here’s 2 of them you can easily take advantage of, if you want more, well, you know where to go because you read my last post.

Free / Cheap Cereal

If you have a Pathmark near you, than you can get some pretty cheap / free cereal.   This will require you to sign up for Pathmark’s shopper’s club card.    Also sign up for “online advantage” on that link which will take you to Zaver, there are also Chex and Fruit Snack coupons there.  The cereal is 4 for $6, read on how to make it cheaper..

Go to Coupon Network and print out the coupons for Cheerios, Trix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Chex, and Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks.   You can print 2 of each from each computer you have access to… hint..  use as many computers as you can to keep doing this deal.  2 of each will allow you to do the below one time.

Go in to Pathmark and put these in your cart:

  • 2 x Boxes of Trix
  • 2 x Boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  • 2 x Boxes of Chex
  • 2 x Boxes of Cheerios
  • 4 x Boxes of Fruit Snacks (marked on the shelf which ones are good.. anything but fruit by the foot)

Use your shopper’s card. Use the associated coupons, and your total should be about $8-$10 after tax.  Pay, and watch the register, because a $8 off your next trip coupon will print (Catalina).  Go outside and come back in if you want, or come back another time and use that $8 for more cereal and fruit snacks. 


We all know the song…  for ~20 cents a can, I’m all over these and I’ll fart away.  I’ll be making my own hummus with Chickpeas, and always use black / kidney beans for Chili and other tasty things.  Wegmans has Goya beans regularly marked at .67 cents / can.  Go get a coupon like this one (or 10 of them) which doubles, and it knocks the price down to about 20 cents a can. Good deal.

In the below picture you will see

  • 12 boxes of cereal
  • 8 boxes of fruit snack
  • 14 bottles of body wash ( that clean and clear stuff is $5.99 retail)
  • 21 cans of beans ( there are more.. lots more)

I got a few other things too, I spent $27 out of pocket, saved $126 in coupons and sales, and got $12 off my next shopping trip.  Nice.

Cheap Groceries FTW
